This is my first game ever!

It’s a clone of vampire survivors, where you summon animals instead of using weapons to fight off monsters.

Controls: WASD for movement, Mouse click to choose upgrade

Your character attacks with their shovel, dealing some damage to enemies once in a while

You'll have three animals to choose from:

  1. Sheep shoots in all directions
  2. Chicken lays bombeggs
  3. Cow deals contact damage to enemies

Known bugs:

  1. If you get level up when standing on summoning circle. It will lock infinitely in «full» state, and you won’t be able to use it anymore
  2. To pick and upgrade you have to click on the card background (not on the icon or text on top)
  3. MacOS Gatekeeper might dislike the game for not being signed
  4. Same with Windows, also missing icon and proper exe details

Made in 48 long hours for Ludum Dare 55 with Godot, Procreate and Strudel (for music generation). You can leave your ratings here 

Hope you enjoy it!


15/04 11:06 UTC:

1. Fix that clicking on upgrade icon couldn't pick upgrade

2. Fix that level up while on summoning circle caused to break the circle


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Not gonna lie, this is pretty impressive for the first game.

Make animals poop and let the player clean this mess up and you get a Cult of the Lamb lol.

I think the game difficulty is more of less static, this is why I felt overpowered after a few upgrade levels. The main danger is your own army because in the end I was surrounded to submission.

I recorded myself playing the game if you’re into that weird kind of stuff (such as watching other people play your games):